
Mitski – My Love Mine All Mine

Lyssna på Mitski – My Love Mine All Mine (02.30 min) via spotify.

My Love Mine All Mine finns på skivan The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We

Mer om Mitski

Mitski Miyawaki, known professionally as Mitski, is a Japanese-American singer-songwriter known for her emotionally raw and introspective music. Born in Japan and raised in the United States, Mitski has released several critically acclaimed albums, including 'Bury Me at Makeout Creek' and 'Be the Cowboy.' Her music spans various genres, blending elements of indie rock, pop, and folk, and often explores themes of identity, love, and belonging. Mitski's powerful vocals and evocative lyrics have earned her a dedicated fanbase and solidified her as a prominent figure in the alternative music scene.

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